Article 54: What is the "Recruitment" Dashboard?



Admission/ Recruitment  Module
Knowledge Base 2.0 article 54?  


What is the "Recruitment" Dashboard?


Navigation Path
Admissions Recruitment


The “Recruitment” dashboard is a location where you can find all the applicants you have going through the process.(by using the “search user” feature). Making it faster to find information on a particular applicant/ student. 

Some of the other features that are found on the “Recruitment” dashboard are: 

  • User Search  Search for a particular student/applicant (search by name, phone number, email, or ID number)

  • Client List  A database of your current applicants/ students your working with 

  • Progress List  Where you can assign a “To Do List” to your applicants (forms, and documents that are needed, etc) to be submitted. 

  • Reports  Get reports on information about the school. ( Examples: Unauthorized accounts, users by radius, Non-returning students, etc..)  

  • Advisors List  List of Advisors for your school to place with your applicants

  • Plan Events  Plan events for your school

  • Surveys  Create surveys to your students/ applicants about information you are looking into

  • Report/ Form/ and Letter builders Create customized reports, letters, and forms for your applicants/ students to fill out the the process and 

  • Parent Portal Communicate with the parents during the applicant process in one place 

  • Enrollment Lottery Lottery to make placement easier when there is a high volume/ demand for a particular class/ admissions deadline, etc... 

Having these tools in one place makes the communicating  process easier for the recruitment process.   
