The “Recruitment” dashboard is a location where you can find all the applicants you have going through the process.(by using the “search user” feature). Making it faster to find information on a particular applicant/ student.
Some of the other features that are found on the “Recruitment” dashboard are:
User Search Search for a particular student/applicant (search by name, phone number, email, or ID number)
Client List A database of your current applicants/ students your working with
Progress List Where you can assign a “To Do List” to your applicants (forms, and documents that are needed, etc) to be submitted.
Reports Get reports on information about the school. ( Examples: Unauthorized accounts, users by radius, Non-returning students, etc..)
Advisors List List of Advisors for your school to place with your applicants
Plan Events Plan events for your school
Surveys Create surveys to your students/ applicants about information you are looking into
Report/ Form/ and Letter builders Create customized reports, letters, and forms for your applicants/ students to fill out the the process and
Parent Portal Communicate with the parents during the applicant process in one place
Enrollment Lottery Lottery to make placement easier when there is a high volume/ demand for a particular class/ admissions deadline, etc...
Having these tools in one place makes the communicating process easier for the recruitment process.