How do students access a certificate course?


Registrars Module
Knowledge Base 2.0 article 52

How do students access a certificate course?

A certificate course is a course in the OASIS system just like any course.  It can be part of a certificate / degree / program or it can act as a stand alone offering.

  • Want the course to be part of the academic record? If included in the academic calendar, this course can be enrolled in - just like any other OASIS offered course. The exam (with certificate) would be one of the assignments (usually the final exam) in the course build out.

  • Not part of the academic record. As a stand alone exam, a student can be emailed an invitation to complete the exam.  
    • The email contains a “Click Here to Begin” link. 

    • There is an optional paywall feature for this connection type.

  • Not a current student. For anonymous users, the stand alone exam has a web page that allows the user to easily complete the exam. (we ask for name and email address) When completed the user receives an email to continue.
    • The email contains a “Click Here to Begin” link.  
    • There is an optional paywall feature for this connection type.