What is a Course Type?


Registrars Module
Knowledge Base 2.0 article 416

What is a Course Type?

Navigation Path
Registrars Module → Academic Catalog → Settings: Course Types

Course Types can be used to designate the type of a course or what method a course would be taught.  Some examples are Online, Correspondence, Continuing Education, etc.  There are a few system related Course Types, which have special meaning.  


A status of “open” means you are actively using the course type, “closed” means you no longer need the course type available.

The “System” status is reserved for Course Types that have special meaning in our system.  “General” is used for all courses in your system, unless you specify a different one.  “Generic” is used in Program Design, to specify that a course is an Elective Placeholder (not an actual course).

Use the “Add New Course Type” button at the top of the screen to create your new course type.  Enter in the name you would like your course type to be in the pop-up box, then click OK.



To see what courses currently use a course type, click the View button.



You can click on the “Edit” button to use the Course editing tool, to change the profile or any of the settings of that particular course.