How do I set the Start and End Date of a Semester/Cohort?
Registrars Module
Knowledge Base 2.0 article 396
How do I set the Current Academic Year?
Navigation Path
Registrars Module → Academic Calendar → Academic Year / Cohort Dates
The Academic Year / Cohort Dates tool is used to create or manage your semester/cohorts, set your current Academic Year, and manage the start and end date of each of the terms in our system.
Use the right side of the Academic Year / Cohort Dates tool to specify the start, end, and the Add/Drop Dates for each of the semester/cohorts/terms in your system.
Start by entering in the 4 digit year for the beginning of the Academic Year you wish to work with (i.e. enter in: 2023 for the 2023 - 2024 Academic Year).
For each semester/cohort/term listed, enter in the date for each of the columns shown. Dates need to be entered in: YYYY-MM-DD format.
Start Date is for the beginning date of the specified term, End Date for when the term will officially end, and then you can specify up to 2 different Add/Drop Dates. The Add/Drop Date is helpful to those working with the Finance Module, to help determine when the Add/Drop deadline is for course registration.