What are dashboard shortcuts?


Dashboard Module
Knowledge Base 2.0 article 387

What are dashboard shortcuts?

Navigation Path
<any> Module → Shortcuts Dashboard

This tool requires version 5.0 addons. The oasisSIS software platform has hundreds of reports that can be found through the custom reports directory or the links on the navigation toolbar.

Added in January 2023, Dashboard Shortcuts is a tool that allows you to install an icon to your dashboard that will bring up your favorite report or tool.  Initially introduced with “Custom Reports,” the ability to add icons to the dashboard will be added through-out the software platform.

You can add multiple dashboards to your page.  To add a new dashboard click on the “+ add” toolbar button.


You can add an unlimited number of dashboards - but there is only so much room on the navigation bar so consider short codes rather than names.


Our development team is slowly working our way through the software platform and updating various reports - adding “Shortcut Button” to each report.  Once a report has been updated you will be able to add that report to your dashboard.

To add a shortcut from a report look for the following icon:


One added to your dashboard, your shortcut will look like this:



To help facilitate the customization of the dashboard each element is defined by you as you add the icon. 

  • Add a header title
  • Write a short description
  • Select which dashboard to install icon on
  • Select a panel color


  • View Report Results
  • Email Students
  • Text Students
  • Add Task List Items
  • Print PDF Letter
  • Add to Com Flow Plan

To add your shortcut to your desktop complete the following form. 
