Advertise Your Courses

Advertise Your Courses

Along with creating a course you have the easy access to creating a custom webpage to advertise your

course to prospective students. The following help document will explain how to create a webpage



AUnder Navigation go to "Registrar"

B: Click on "Settings"

CClick on "Courses"


DClick on "edit"




EClick on "Website"

FClick on "About"



GClick on "Slideshow"

HClick on "Upload Document"

       - Click on "browse"

       - Click on the document you wish to upload

       - Click "Ok"

       - Close the browse window

       - Click the green refresh button



IClick on "Welcome"

JClick on "Upload Document" (Do this up to 3 times)

       - Click on "browse"

       - Click on the document you wish to upload

       - Click "Ok"

       - Close the browse window

       - Click the green refresh button

K: Type in a welcome message

LClick on "Save Welcome"



MClick on "Description"

NClick on "Upload Document"

       - Click on "browse"

       - Click on the document you wish to upload

       - Click "Ok"

       - Close the browse window

       - Click the green refresh button

O: Type in a description of the course

PClick on "Save Description"


Story Board:


QClick on "Story Board"

RClick on "Upload Document"

       - Click on "browse"

       - Click on the document you wish to upload

       - Click "Ok"

       - Close the browse window

       - Click the green refresh button

S: Type in the name and a quote

T: Type in the story

UClick on "Save Story"

       - Do this up to 3 times



VClick on "Publish"

WClick on the check boxes to enable sections for your webpage

X: Type in contact information

YType/paste the URL you want to send people to after they click the "Register Now Button"

ZTo the left you will see the Webpage URL

     To the right you can click "View" to see the users view of the webpage



All articles in the Knowledge Base have been submitted by one of our users, from one of our member schools (colleges / universities).  
If you would like to become a Knowledge Base contributor please contact us through the Help Desk and let us know of your interest.


(c) 2018 Oasis Technologies | Orlando, Florida USA