How do I create Semesters / Cohorts?
Registrars Module
Knowledge Base 2.0 article 307
How do I create Semesters / Cohorts?
Navigation Path
Registrars Module → Academic Calendar → Academic Year / Cohort Dates
The Academic Year / Cohort Dates tool is used to create or manage your semester/cohorts, set your current Academic Year, and manage the start and end date of each of the terms in our system.
You can use the green/red icon to toggle a semester/cohort from “open” (green icon) to “closed”. The only time you would need to mark a semester/cohort as “closed” would be if your institution does not plan to utilize that term any longer in the future.
If your institution plans to offer a brand new semester/cohort, click the “Add New Cohort/Semester” button, enter in the NAME (title) of the new semester / cohort (like Fall or Summer), then click OK.
Once you’ve added your new semester, click on the “Assign Code” button, enter in a unique, short code for the new semester / cohort (like Fall or Summer), then click OK. Your code should be very short and to the point. For example, you could use: FA as a code for your Fall Semester.
Next, click the yellow icon to edit the details for your new semester.
Cohort Order tells the system the order in which the semester/cohort will show up on a transcript (i.e. 1 for Fall, 2 for Spring, 3 for Summer, etc).
Cohort Title gives you the ability to edit the name of your semester/cohort.
Alternate Title allows you to enter in another language equivalent for your Cohort Title.