Enrolling Students into Academic Programs

Enrolling Students into Academic Programs

Enrolling a student into a program can be done in two ways...

    - 1st the student can self enroll in the student module

    - 2nd the registrar can enroll the student in the registrar module 


The following article will explain how the registrar can add a student into a program. For help on how a

student can self enroll see https://www.oasissis.com/hesk/admin/knowledgebase_private.php?article=331&back=1&draft=1

for more information.


Step 1: Registrar - To Add a Program to the Shopping Cart

AUnder Navigation go to "Registrar"

B: Click on "Registration"


CClick on "by Program"

D: Type in the user's name

      - Click on the user

E: Type in the year

F: Select the Semester / Cohort

G: Select the Program of Enrollment

H: The course listing section can be used to symplify the list by typing in a key word(s)

IClick on "REG"

J: The program will then be added to the shopping cart to the right of the page

       - Finance can now bill the student



Step 2: Finance - To Post the Invoice

AUnder Navigation go to "Finance"

BClick on "Billables"


CType in a specific user's name to narrow search

       then / or

DClick on "view"


EClick on "View Cart"


FSelect item(s) in the cart to invoice

G: Type in the invoice date

H: Type in the cohort

I: Type in an optional comment

JClick on "Post Invoice"

KType in "YES" to confirm you want to post this invoice

LClick on "OK"



Step 3: Faculty - To Confirm Enrollment

AUnder Navigation go to "Faculty"

BClick on "My Courses"

CClick on "View"


DStudent has been successfully added to the program... let the learning begin :)



All articles in the Knowledge Base have been submitted by one of our users, from one of our member schools (colleges / universities).  
If you would like to become a Knowledge Base contributor please contact us through the Help Desk and let us know of your interest.


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