Build Exam - Adding New Questions

Build Exam - Adding New Questions

 examYARD.COM allows system administrators to write, edit, analyze, share, advertise and sell exams. 

The following document will show how to create an exam question and assign it to a category.



AClick on "Licenses"

B: Click on "build exam"


CClick on "build"



DClick on "add new question"

      - Type in the question and click "OK"

EClick on "add new category"

FClick on the check box to assign the current question to this category

         *It will say "on" next to the categories it is assigned to

GSelect "open"

H: Upload an picture (optional) by clicking on "Upload New Image"

          - Click on Browse

          - Select the picture

          - Click "OK"

          - Close the image uploader tab by clicking the white X

IQuestion can be edited here

JType in answer options

KType in 0 or 1 

       0 = incorrect

       1 = correct

LClick on "Update Question"

       *The word "saved" will appear in small red letters to indicate the question has been saved



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