Exam Details (System Setup)

Exam Details (System Setup) 

 examYARD.COM allows system administrators to write, edit, analyze, share, advertise and sell exams. 

The following document will show how to set up the system for a new exam.



AClick on "Licenses"

B: Click on "build exam"


CClick on "edit"



D: Title can be edited here

E: Click to select "Public" or "Private"

           PUBLIC - Only your institution is able to see and/or have access to this exam. 

           PRIVATE - Any registered group(s) / institution(s) is able to use this exam. 

F: Type in a share code

           Share this exam with a specific registered group(s) / organization(s). This is different than a PUBLIC exam which is open to every registered

           group / organization. This exam should be set to PRIVATE and the share code given to the administrator of the group to IMPORT. 

GSelect Avalibility

           Open this exam up to individual purchases by anyone who may want to take the exam or keep the exam available to registered group(s) / organization(s).

HChoose the purchase price of the exam

           If you have set up this exam to be available for internet purchase by individual users who are not affiliated with any registered group(s) / organization(s)

           how much is the exam fee. (NOTE:: Please note the revenue sharing agreement between the exam author and examyard.com terms apply. (min fee: $5.00)

ISelect the language of the exam

J: Write a description of the exam

KClick on "Update Profile"



All articles in the Knowledge Base have been submitted by one of our users, from one of our member schools (colleges / universities).  
If you would like to become a Knowledge Base contributor please contact us through the Help Desk and let us know of your interest.


(c) 2018 Oasis Technologies | Orlando, Florida USA