Why aren't mandatory fields mandatory on my custom form?

Why aren't mandatory fields mandatory?

Navigation Path
Users Toolbar  → Custom Forms  

In order for a custom field form element to be mandatory - the mandatory field must be enabled on the element settings from within the specific form.  (An element can be mandatory on one form and not mandatory on another)


Mandatory Fields are only enforced on progressive forms
Nobody can force a user to enter data into a form field, all we can do is verify that a form field contains data before the user is permitted to progress from one page to another. 

In order to enforce mandatory fields you MUST advance to another page.  Our suggestion is that you have a THANK YOU or FORM COMPLETE page as your final page.

Mandatory fields are DISABLED for school administrators.
This only makes sense, otherwise an administrator could not advance to view additional pages in a progressive form.  (Forms that are linked one to another ie. page 1, page 2, page 3)