Reports: Viewing Single User Results
Reports: Viewing Single User Results provides several ways to break down and analyze exam scores. The following document
will explain various ways for an administrator to view/ analyze a single users results.
A: Click on "Members"
B: Type in the user's name
C: Click on "exams"
D: Click on "view" next to the exam you wish to see the results of
E: Click on "View Exam Results by Question"
G: A list of all 100 questions will appear with the users answer and the correct answer
H: Click on "X"
F: Click on "View Exam Results by Category"
I: A list of all 18 categories will appear
J: Click on "X"
K: Click on "X"
L: Click on "PDF"
M: A 22 page document will open in a new tab
- It will break down every category and compare:
> Individual scores
> Institutional Norms
> National Norms
All articles in the Knowledge Base have been submitted by one of our users, from one of our member schools (colleges / universities).
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