Chart of Accounts: Tuition Type and Assigning Course Tuition Rates

Tuition Type and Assigning Course Tuition Rates


AUnder Navigation go to "Finance"

B: Click on "Settings"

CClick on "Chart of Accounts"


DClick on "Tuition"

EClick on "add new account"

F: Type in the ledger code

GClick on "OK"

HType in a title

IClick on "New (closed)" 

       - Once = Closed

       - Twice = Open

JClick on "edit"


KSelect "ON" or "OFF"

L: Select Fee Type

M: Indicate if the Fee is taxable

NType in the amount of your tuition (i.e. 225.00)

OCheck the box to indicate if the fee is a flat rate or per credit hour

       - No ✔ = Flat rate

         - ✔ = Per credit hour

P / Q: Note: The system will only charge at one rate/amount (Full Time Rates side of the screen).  Ignore the Part Time Rates side of this screen when working with Tuition (Part Time only applies to Fees).  


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