Building a Custom Report Using Wild Cards

Building a Custom Report Using Wild Cards


The Custom Reports function is available under every major tool bar...

Development, Admissions, Registrar, Finance and Library



AUnder Navigation go to "Recruitment/Admissions"

B: Click on "Customs Reports"

CClick on "build new report"



DClick on buttons to indicate which data will be pulled for the report

       - Green = included                                 - White = not included

EClick on drop down box to select search category

FClick on one of the following: 

      - "LIKE" ... uses wild cards (%)                             - "=" ... Equal or the same

      - "NOT LIKE" ... Does not include                           - "<" ... Less than

      - "IS NULL" ... No information given                       - "<=" ... Less than or equal too

      - "HAS BIT" ... For all categorys ending in 'bit'        - ">" ... Greater than

                                                                                - ">=" ... Greater than or equal too

G: Type in specification of the search category


H: Click on one of the following:

       - "STOP" ... End of the search criteria       - "AND" ... A and B 

       - "OR" ... option A or B                            - "NOT" ... anything but A


I: Click on "Run Report"

      - This report will pull all donations received in 2017


J: %-01-% will pull a donations in received January

    %-06-% will pull all donations received in June

K: Click on "Run Report"


L: Click on "AND"

M: Click on "Gift Amount"

N: Click on ">" 

O: Type in a number value

P: Click on "STOP"

Q: Click on "Run Report"

           - This report will pull all donations received in June that are greater than $10 



All articles in the Knowledge Base have been submitted by one of our users, from one of our member schools (colleges / universities).  
If you would like to become a Knowledge Base contributor please contact us through the Help Desk and let us know of your interest.


(c) 2018 Oasis Technologies | Orlando, Florida USA