Marketing: Maintaining the Website

Marketing: Maintaining the Website


AUnder Navigation go to "Athletics"

B: Click on "Marketing"

CClick on "Home Team"

DClick on "Website"


EClick on "About"



FClick on "Slideshow"

GClick on "Delete Document" to delete the picture

HClick on "Upload Document" to upload a new picture

        - Then click on "Browse"

        - Select picture

        - Click on "OK"

        - Close the browse box by clicking the red circle with the white "X"

        - Click the green refresh box


IClick on "Welcome"

JClick on "Upload Document" to upload a new picture

K: Type in a welcome message

        - Then click the green save button


LClick on "Story Board"

MClick on "Delete document" to delete the picture

           OR  "Upload document" to upload a new picture

NType in the name

O: Type in the position

P: Type in the athlete's story


QClick on "Roster"

RClick on "Coach"

S: Type in the coach's biography

TClick on "Delete Document" to delete the picture

UClick on "Upload Document" to upload a new picture


VClick on "Roster"

WClick on "Asst Coach"

XType in the coach's biography

YClick on "Delete Document" to delete the picture

ZClick on "Upload Document" to upload a new picture


AA: Click on "Roster"

AB: Click on "Roster"

AC: Click on empty boxes to fill in or edit information fields

AD: Type the athlete's biography and click on the green save button

AE Click on "Upload Document" to upload a new picture

AFClick on "Delete Document" to delete the picture


AGClick on "Schedule"

AHClick on "add new event" to add a new game

AIClick on "edit" to edit an existing game

AJClick on "delete" to delete an existing game


AKClick on "Statistics"



ALClick on "Publish"

AM: Select season

AN: (De)Select boxes to indicate what the website is show 

AO: Type in contact's name

AP: Type in contact information

AQClick on "View" to see the website

          - URL can be copied and pasted as well



All articles in the Knowledge Base have been submitted by one of our users, from one of our member schools (colleges / universities).  
If you would like to become a Knowledge Base contributor please contact us through the Help Desk and let us know of your interest.


(c) 2018 Oasis Technologies | Orlando, Florida USA