Institutional Surveys: Website Page
Institutional Surveys: Website Page
A: Under Navigation go to Assesment
B: Click on "Institution Surveys"
C: Click on "Website"
The following will show you how to create your survey website page
D: No work is required on this page it is here to inform you of ways to send out your survey through social media
E: When someone first opens your survey through your webpage you have the option to have a 1-3 picture slide show
F: Click on "Upload document" to upload a picture
G: The next thing a person will see is your welcome page. This is where you make a statement and explain the purpose of your survey.
H: Click on "Upload document" to upload a picture
I: Type in a welcome message (You have 800 characters)
J: Click on "Save Welcome"
K: The creating a website tool is standard across KanopySIS and OasisSIS, but one of the cool features is that you decide what you want to appear on your website.
L: "Story Board" is typically where you would write a testimonial (More commonly used for Campaigns, Projects and HelpFundMe). For this example I have disabled the "Story Board" feature on my website. (in Publish)
M: Publish is the final step in creating your survey's website
N: Click on the boxes to select what features you would like on your website
-Features with check marks will show
O: If you would like to give the people taking your survey the ability to contact you then fill out your contact information
P: This is your survey URL
-Click on "View" to go to your survey website
The following will show you what your website looks like
Q: Home page
R: Click on "Welcome Page"
S: Click on "Begin Survey Now"
T: Type in Survey ID code
U: Click on "Begin Survey"
- This Code can be found by going to "Reports"
- Then clicking on "View"
V: Click on "Contact Us"
W: People taking the survey can leave you a message that will be sent to your email
X: The contact information that you provided
Y: People can also click here to begin your survey
All articles in the Knowledge Base have been submitted by one of our users, from one of our member schools (colleges / universities).
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(c) 2018 Oasis Technologies | Orlando, Florida USA