Course Evaluations: Creating Surveys

Course Evaluations: Creating Surveys


AUnder Navigatioin go to "Assessment"

BClick on "Course Evaluation Survey"

CClick on "add new survey"


DType in survey title

EClick on "OK"


FClick on "edit"


G: Click on "add Category"


H: Click on "add new question"

IClick on "0"


J: Type in position number

K: Type in Question

L: Change status to "Open"

M: Select 1-2 Categories

NClick on "Update Question"


O: Click on "add option"

PType in position number

QChange status to "Open"

RType in value

SType in a respones

TClick on "Update Question"


Repeat Steps O-T to add more response options

Repeat Steps H-T to add more survey Questions


Finally make sure that the status of the survey is open (Located in top left corner above "I")



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